By K. Kendall PJ Seleska’s powerful picture of a riot cop drenching the Constitution Declaration of Independence in pepper spray has been all over the internet today. Police fired pepper spray at unarmed, seated Occupy protesters at UC Davis, in California; and here in Portland, police aimed a stream of pepper spray at Liz Nichols. …
Month: November 2011
Two Alternative Holiday Celebrations
By Gina Ronning and a Committee of Occupy Portland Supporters 1) Light for Life On Black Friday A Vigil in Solidarity for All Those Left Out in the Streets. 4:00pm November 25th to 10:00 am November 26th Pioneer Square Flyer explains: WHAT YOU WILL NEED: *Tea lights (or votives), and bring enough for the entire…
Propaganda Works: But Keep Telling the Truth
By Chris Petchonka, photo by Ian Carmany The propaganda machine works. As a person involved in Occupy Portland, I’m battling misinformation, exaggerations, and straw-man arguments dispersed by some of the mainstream media. Like a a stream of toxic waste, this misinformation seeps into the public consciousness. I’m encountering people who claim they initially loved the…
Clean up OUR PARKS!
Right now the parks where we lived and worked for the first five weeks of our Occupation are roped off with yellow police tape behind a fence topped with barbed wire. These pictures were made at the Vigil the night of November 19, when we gathered to honor the space where we first met each…
Marla’s Food Tent at Occupy Portland
By John O. Andersen It was my good fortune to have had a work schedule that allowed me to be a daily visitor at Occupy Portland for a string of 31 straight days. Each visit brought new insights and inspiration. It was an experience I will never forget. A couple of days before the encampment ended,…
Fur-Free Friday Less Than A Week Away
By Justin Kay Animal Defense League has organized a march in solidarity with those who suffer injustice at the hands of the fur trade and in opposition to those corporations and individuals who benefit from the suffering and the commodification, marketing, and sale of fur products. Fur Free Friday- November 25, 2011 March…
Summing up the Un-sum-upable
To say that the OWS movement is about changing public policy or electing the “right” officials to represent us is completely missing the point. This video does a great job at highlighting the underlying values behind Occupy Wall St and all solidarity Occupations around the world. If we could just get everyone who stands against…
March Today, 3 p.m.
This march is a march of solidarity with the message of Occupy; even if you don’t support all of the tactics occupy employs, this is meant to be a fun, inclusive, community march focused on the message of inequality and the solidarity of sticking together with that message. March route as follows: From Ankeny Plaza,…
Open Letter from Gina Ronning
The Occupier occasionally publishes open letters to the City, the Mayor, and the Police Chief. Open letters are personal statements by their authors and do not speak for Occupy Portland as a whole. We present these letters in the interest of representing the varied voices of people who Occupy. From Gina Ronning To The City…
Join the Nightingale Network
“A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why.” The Nightingale Network is intended to serve and heal…