New Seasons Workers Walk Off Job In Protest of Unjust Firing

New Seasons Workers Strike on Wednesday Before Thanksgiving, Urge Customer Boycott

Giving Thanks

14 Years After Keaton Otis's Murder by Police, The Thirst for Justice Remains

Giving Thanks

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Last year I began this annual piece at the Portland Occupier with: “Another year…


New Seasons Workers Walk Off Job In Protest of Unjust Firing

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Workers at the Arbor Lodge New Seasons’s grocery store at 6400 North Interstate Avenue walked off the job for the second day in a row on Wednesday January 29. According to the New Seasons Labor Union (NSLU), the Unfair Labor Practice strike was again called because Randy Foster, who…

Giving Thanks

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Another year with Covid in the air, and so another year where I was largely grounded due to health concerns. As well, as comes with age, there were health issues with which I had to deal. But as someone who makes a lot of lemonade, I am once again,…

Portland Teachers On Strike in Historic First

Story and photos by Pete Shaw The nearly 4,500 members of the Portland Association of Teachers (PAT) walked out on strike on November 1. Classroom teachers from the district’s 81 schools came together with students, parents, and other supporters in the community to demand the Portland Public Schools (PPS) administration show respect for them and…


Giving Thanks

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Last year I began this annual piece at the Portland Occupier with: “Another year with Covid in the air, and so another year where I was largely grounded due…

Giving Thanks

Story by Pete Shaw Another year of Covid, and another year spent largely on the sidelines. Still, there is much to be thankful for this year, including the hope that I will sooner than later…

Good Stories, Good Times

Story by Pete Shaw The late Joan Didion once wrote, “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” While I agree with the general tone of that statement, there are always exceptions to even the…

The Impossible Took 68 Months

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Someday they may refer to it as the BVWU Number, the universal standard for the interval between impossibility and achievement. It sure seems like it should be in an…


Story and photo by Pete Shaw About 17 years ago, I was hanging out with Friend Cyndy, and after a good amount of Friday drink she suggested we head to a not far away Vietnamese…