Month: November 2011

Shut Down the Port!

Portland’s first big planning meeting is this Thursday, come and get plugged in to a working group. We need you! Thursday, Dec. 1st 7 pm St. Francis Church – dining hall 1131 SE Oak St.   Blockade the Ports Blockade the Wealth of the 1% What will happen on Dec 12: We will stage mass mobilizations to…

Mayor and Police Chief Lied about Crime

A conversation with Ted Clark and James Schwartz Ted Clark doesn’t believe all he hears. When he read reports that one of the reasons why Sam Adams decided to evict Occupy Portland from its encampment was that the City of Portland and its Police Bureau claimed Occupy had sparked an “increase of crime,” he didn’t…

Rally for Constitutional Rights

Today at noon there was a rally at the Justice Center to celebrate constitutional rights. The trials of the Occupiers arrested at Jamison Square began today at 1 p.m, at the Justice Center.                          

Anarchism and a global perspective on Occupy

By K. Kendall I learned about Sacco and Vanzetti when I was in high school, and since then I’ve been trying to figure out what an anarchist is. It’s been more of a sidebar for me than a main story. Political science bored me; I was into art and literature and found poly-sci wonky. But because…

Occupy Gateway

***Update: 11/29 Police shut down the camp during the early morning hours, taking a bicycle with them, on the grounds that this is private property.*** The failure of the City of Portland to provide shelter space for all the houseless people who need it has led to the development of small groups of houseless people…

Bat Signal’s UP!

Bat Signal is currently beaming at the Fed Ex building, 1407 SW 4th Street, above 24-Hour Fitness. Catch it while it’s there!   One local news station took note of it here.

Hot Links

From time to time, I’ll post links to online articles Occupiers might find interesting. Here’s the first installment. K. Kendall (all opinions and summaries mine, not representing the views of Occupy Portland). If you’d like to submit some links you’ve enjoyed, email them to             Who is Kalle Lasn…

99%: Send Bat Man!

Portland has our own Bat Signal. Scan the buildings downtown tonight, November 28. Mungen Cakes has a projector, a generator, and the will. He’ll begin projecting between 5:30 and 6 p.m. He doesn’t want to release the location till the projection starts, as he was harassed by police when he tried this on Black Friday.…

Change in Police Strategy?

This two-and-a-half-minute video from Occupy Portland Media Coalition explores the question, Why have the police changed their strategy since N17? Your own opinions welcome in comments.