by David S. Pointer Hobo Jungleite (Can’t Get Arrested) The garbage bin ingrate with a rusty space heater under one arm has a certain semi-private roominess to his outdoor obscurity today, after having been chased by a gang of Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tale types around the neighborhood, but now as police move in to beat…
Category: David S. Pointer
Poems by David S. Pointer
by David S. Pointer Poetic Resilience -In Memory of Federico Garcia Lorca My capacity to care concerning all poems political had been depleted like the Spanish dolphin population off the coast of compassion in the exotic Alboran Sea until I realized I live in a land that produces more new prisons, more new destructive products,…
Poems by David S. Pointer
by David S. Pointer Basic Peace Plan Burst top banking erupts not as an idle volcano, but as an active friend oozing collegiality into woozy lands brimmed by poverty coughing the dusty past days of decaying centuries frail with invaders, investors, and others waving a vast welcome under the cool crush of the ongoing smile…