Category: Headlines

Occupy Congress: Live Blog

Adam Rothstein here, in DC for Occupy Congress, and reporting on our live blog. No media van this trip, but we’ve got hotspots! Also be sure to check @PDXoccupier for live updates, and check in with our Livestream team. Also, DC media is running their own livestream page, at Their main Twitter account is…

Solutions Forum: Post-Event Report

by Alex Pio Occupy Portland held its first Legislative Action Forum on Sunday, January 8th. 67 Portlanders joined with Occupy members to identify government policies adversely affecting people and ways the movement can change them. The Forum was organized by the Solutions Committee of Occupy Portland, one of the many action groups formed to continue…

Occupy Open House

On Friday the 13th, it was a lucky day for Occupy Portland as old friends, long-time neighbors, and the newly curious flooded the St. Francis working space for the Occupy Open House. The Portland Occupation has been indoors in the space for several weeks now, but this event was specifically designed for throwing open the…

Theory and Practice in Occupy

by Shamus Cooke For a movement that started with one strategy and a couple of slogans, Occupy has preformed brilliantly. Having based itself on the examples of Egypt and Wisconsin, the Occupy Movement has raised the political consciousness of millions and created a large layer of new activists. But the uninterrupted string of successes of…

Bat Signal DIY

by Mungen Cakes So you want to do a Bat Signal. You want to project big ideas or fun images on the sides of homes, businesses, banks, bridges and highways (and never project on a church of any kind at any time unless you have permission). This DIY will give you the info you need…

Postal Union Representatives Team up with Occupy

By Howard Peter Former and current Portland-area postal workers turned out for a rally at Pioneer Square this past Sunday, January 8, to get the message out that there are some bad changes are coming to America in the form of House Res. 2309 & Senate Bill 1789. Jamie Partridge, a retired postal worker at…

Occupy Portland Ramps up Legislative Initiatives

by Alex Pio Over the past few months several of Occupy Portland’s committees have been busy working on legislative items to enact far-reaching social and political changes. These groups are now emerging from the background in the New Year with a number of events and initiatives to advocate large-scale change for the 99%. Back in…

Political Science 101 For Those Confused By The Occupy Movement

by Gina Ronning The Occupy movement has been a catalyst for much needed national discourse on the issues of corporate greed and political corruption. More importantly, this discourse is coming from those most affected by the actions of self-driven profiteering businesses, which have long sought to silence this discourse. However, unsustainable practices will inevitably fall…