Category: Headlines

UPDATED: EGT to Potentially Settle Contract with ILWU

by Adam Rothstein UPDATE:Occupy the EGT has put out a press release, acknowledging the possibility of a settlement. According to the statement, “Anonymous sources indicate that President McElrath [of the ILWU] has negotiated a tentative agreement, which states that no work at the terminal in Longview will be performed until a labor agreement is reached.”…

Is there Really Such a Thing as a Middle Class?

by Ahjamu Umi We constantly hear the term “middle class” thrown around by politicians and the corporate media as a term designed to define everyday people, but never do these folks make even a half-hearted attempt to define what that term means. I would argue that a major reason why the term is never defined…

Justin James Rides Again

  By Sarah Gallegos Monday, January 16, 2012 marked the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr., but there was even more to celebrate.  Occupiers turned out to the Alberta Rose Theatre at 3000 NE Alberta St. in Portland to join Justin Bridges–who most of you may remember from when he was brutally and callously beaten…

Occupy the Courts: An Occupier’s Excursion

By Robin Ryan It hit me like it always does as I catch my first glimpse of the gathering, that proud smile I can’t help but wear in honor of those couple hundred people who braved the water logged and drippy day to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the deities of judicial governance. Two years ago,…

Occupy Congress: Why Congress?

by Adam Rothstein Why Congress? Why would a movement that has found its strength in direct democracy sudden show up on Congress’ door step? Why would people, finding their voices in their own communities after never having heard it before through the national media and political structure, suddenly come to the United States’ capital city?…

Occupy Congress: Live Blog

Adam Rothstein here, in DC for Occupy Congress, and reporting on our live blog. No media van this trip, but we’ve got hotspots! Also be sure to check @PDXoccupier for live updates, and check in with our Livestream team. Also, DC media is running their own livestream page, at Their main Twitter account is…

Solutions Forum: Post-Event Report

by Alex Pio Occupy Portland held its first Legislative Action Forum on Sunday, January 8th. 67 Portlanders joined with Occupy members to identify government policies adversely affecting people and ways the movement can change them. The Forum was organized by the Solutions Committee of Occupy Portland, one of the many action groups formed to continue…

Occupy Open House

On Friday the 13th, it was a lucky day for Occupy Portland as old friends, long-time neighbors, and the newly curious flooded the St. Francis working space for the Occupy Open House. The Portland Occupation has been indoors in the space for several weeks now, but this event was specifically designed for throwing open the…

Theory and Practice in Occupy

by Shamus Cooke For a movement that started with one strategy and a couple of slogans, Occupy has preformed brilliantly. Having based itself on the examples of Egypt and Wisconsin, the Occupy Movement has raised the political consciousness of millions and created a large layer of new activists. But the uninterrupted string of successes of…