How to Kill the Internet

By the Crew at Riseup.net Around the world, there is a magic formula for passing laws to severely limit internet freedom: claim that you must block and monitor traffic in order to prevent child pornography. If you are like me, your impulse is to stop reading right now. There is nothing that I would like…

CISPA Follows SOPA in Attacking Internet Freedom

This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Boston Occupier. by Kendra Moyer The Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was drafted by Representative Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) with the stated intention of protecting consumers and business owners by reducing intellectual property theft, identity theft, and perceived “cyber threats.” The bill…

The World War Web Rages as Anonymous Hacks the Intertubes

By: illona trogub A bloodless battle rages over the interweb netterspace. Where once proud but downtrodden citizens picked up their guns and pointed them directly at those who wished them ill, now we see masked avengers who, behind closed doors, fire millions of tiny ping packages at their enemies. Along with publicly releasing the private…

SOPA Bill to be Voted on in the US House

by Adam Rothstein SOPA is a bill to create a nation-wide Internet Black List. Ostensibly meant to fight piracy, it will allow the government to create procedures for DNS blocking, which basically keeps a web site from showing up on the Internet. Free speech is not only a part of the Bill of Rights, but…