Story and photo by Pete Shaw The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), for the moment, is faltering. The so-called free trade agreement (FTA) would dwarf all other FTAs that came before it. Trade negotiators and the multi-national corporations for whom they shill have been working in secret to hammer out the details, but so far they…
Tag: Trans Pacific Partnership
A Competitive Race to the Lowest Wages

Story and photos by Pete Shaw “Protecting a competitive race to the lowest wages is crucial,” said Tom Chamberlain, President of the Oregon AFL-CIO. After a confused pause, Chamberlain restated himself, replacing “protecting” with “preventing.” It was a slightly awkward moment at this strange gathering billed as a “Listening Session on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)”.…
Transition from “Listening” to Action on Coal
By Nicholas Caleb Senator Ron Wyden held a “listening session” in Portland on Monday to discuss the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, the latest in a line of sneaky, corporate, anti-democratic policymaking. Although the US Trade Representative is currently keeping all the details of negotiation secret from the public and most of Congress, we know (from leaks)…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Extremist 1% Global Attack
by Mark Vorpahl An international cabal of corporate lobbyists met behind closed doors in San Diego from July 1 – 7. Their aim was to move the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) toward completion. TPP negotiations have been in process for over two years, yet, until recently, its proposals and agreements have been carefully screened from public…
TPP: Free Trade Detritus Swells Pacific Rim
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Story and photos by Pete Shaw Another year, another so-called free trade agreement. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is almost 20, while its younger sibling, the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is nearing seven years old. They sure grow up fast, don’t they? And now coming down the pike is the Trans-Pacific…