Category: Christina Schull

Indefatigable Activist Ralph Nader Drives Occupy Message into Portland

By Christina Schüll and Paul Cone Tireless citizen activist Ralph Nader spoke Monday night, April 9, to an overflowing crowd in the Agnes Flanagan Chapel at Lewis and Clark College, as part of their 50th International Affairs Symposium. Nader followed Jamie Fly, who served in George W. Bush’s National Security Council, and is now the executive…

Breaking the Blue Code of Silence

By Christina Schüll Police brutality — something I never thought of when I was a kid. Something I never really thought of as an adult, that is until protesters of the Occupy movement collided with police in Portland and throughout the rest of the country. As news from other cities poured in, I kept asking…


by Christina Schüll It was the night of November 14th, and there was a spontaneous late-night march in downtown Portland. Several Occupy camps were evicted by authorities that night, including Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, and Occupy Zürich. Around 10:30, I was leaving the area around Pioneer Square and noticed some folks had their belongings…

Citizens and Candidates Participate in Democracy

By Christina Schüll I walked into Portland’s 2012 Town Hall “Voices of the City” meeting in Hoffman Hall at PSU, expecting to see half a dozen candidates in the middle of discussing their grand ideas of how they promise to make our city a better one. What I found was the soft buzzing of people…