Category: Authors

Solidarity Message from the Occupied Chicago Tribune

by Patrick Glennon My name is Patrick–I’m from the Occupy Chicago Tribune collective. We just released our first four-page broadsheet newspaper, a run of 20,000 copies. We aim to bring the movement to the broader public and to provide news and analysis the Occupy movement can use to grow and flourish: reports from the occupation,…

The Diversity of the Movement

by Adam Rothstein It’s been said for weeks that once the Occupations are out of the parks, they will diversify, de-centralize, and take as many creative forms as there are people and groups to organize this movement. Today, December 17th, is seeing a re-occupation in New York City, solidarity protests with Bradley Manning in Virginia…

Letter from Gregory Koch

by Gregory Koch As society moves into the next phase of evolution, we the many are standing, in the rain, in the dark, in the park, in the streets… shouting for our freedoms, for our liberties, we will not have these taken away from us. We will not sell them away for some cheap made…

The Biggest Occupation Ever

by Gina Ronning On December 16th, a flash mob organized by the Occupy Everywhere Campaign marched to the ‘Black Box’ building, the home of the Portland Business Alliance, and occupied its lobby with a miniature Occupy Portland diorama. The Portland Business Alliance was occupied because of its commitment to the agenda’s of the one percent…