Tag: Non-violence

Some Lies and Misinformation Surrounding Occupy Portland

Lataya Dailey “The Occupiers Cost Thousands of Dollars of Damage to the Parks.” We’ve heard the estimate that over 85,000 dollars in damage was caused by Occupiers while the protest site was established in Chapman and Lownsdale Park. According to a press release from workers of LABORERS’ LOCAL 483 who maintain the parks “ The…

Why I Occupy – William Haas

Every person has a story to tell about what is important to them. A story about decisions they have made and the motivating factors for those decisions, whether it be family, friends, economics, ethics, or some other reason. Every person has a story to tell about an event that changed their life. A turning point…

The False History and Misunderstanding of “Non-Violence”

by Adam Rothstein Recently, the Portland Occupier published an article entitled “Nonviolence Still Wins the Public,” that included a historical list of non-violent protests, intending to highlight how the peacefulness of protesters, especially in the face of violent persecution, won the day for various social movements. This was a very selective history that borders on…

Nonviolence Still Wins the Public—and Major Changes

Czech dissident/president, Václav Havel (1936-2012), after nonviolent ouster of Soviets by Barbara G. Ellis In mid-December, a man died who for years worked for a nonviolent overthrow of Soviet control over Czechoslovakia that finally happened in 1989. He was Václav Havel, playwright, leading dissident against Soviet domination, and long-time political prisoner. He was the “voice…

Black Bloc: Two Wrongs Never Make a Right!

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. By Vargus Pike In the realm of mathematics two negatives when added together…

Black Bloc: Concerning the Violent Peace-Police – A Letter to Chris Hedges

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published on The New Inquiry. by David Graeber I…