This story was originally published in the Occupied Chicago Tribune. In the 8 months since the Occupied Chicago Tribune started publishing as media for the 99 percent, we have been threatened with a lawsuit, challenged on our right to publish and even been told that using the letter ‘T’ in our name could be legally disputed. But despite…
Tag: Occupy Chicago
Occupy Journalists Stopped, Searched, Handcuffed & Interrogated at Gunpoint
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published by Occupy Los Angeles News. by Kevin Gosztola Under cover of the night around twelve police cars stopped five journalists when they were heading back to where they are staying in Chicago during the NATO summit. All five have been covering protests against…
NATO Invades: We Can’t Feed The Poor, But We Can Fund Wars?
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Chicago Tribune. by Occupied Chicago Tribune Staff When NATO released a video earlier this month introducing Chicago to the visiting heads of state, it was full of so many errors and missteps—that the city is the capital of Illinois, that…
No School, No Work, but in Chicago, No General Strike
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Chicago Tribune. by Joe Macaré Before there was the NATO summit or the Occupy movement, there was May Day, born and bred in Chicago. This year, with leftists across the country crossing their fingers for an American Spring, Chicago’s May Day…
Foreclosure Resistance Finding Local, National Home
By Jamie Partridge I have lived and worked in the Northeast/Killingsworth neighborhood for decades. I’m a recently-retired letter carrier, so I’ve had a street level view of the housing crisis in this community. I know who lives in the houses. I know what kind of work they do, whether they rent or own. I’ve watched kids…
The Unmet Demand for Subsidized Housing
By Joel Handley This morning at 6 a.m., Mercy Housing Lakefront, a subsidized housing provider, opened up “wait lists” to two of its apartment buildings: the Belray apartments at Belmont and Racine, and the Major Jenkins Apartments at Winthrop and Argyle. In total, Mercy Housing will accept 325 new applicants to its waiting lists. Between…
Chicago Workers Occupy Factory, Win Concessions
By Shawn Fleek A threatened closure of a window factory in Chicago has been delayed 90 days, after workers there occupied their factory for three days. The factory may still close, or a similar occupation may again take place, if the union or management can not find a new owner. The factory closure threatened 50…