Month: December 2011

Reform vs. Revolution Within Occupy

This article is one of two companion pieces on The Occupier, discussing the larger strategic questions of the Occupation movement. The entirety of Occupation strategy is not reducible to these two points of view, but we hope these will start a discussion in two different, non-symmetric veins about “big picture” issues. By Shamus Cooke Many…

Media Coalition’s Excellent Video on the Inequality of Debt

We already shared Occupy Portland Media Coalition’s video highlighting the impact of inequity as a result of debt, estimated at $7,800 per person.

They are halfway to their $2000 goal, so they can put the spot all over the internet! If you can, help them make it the rest of the way. There’s limited time left! See how you can help at

by Adam Rothstein

Stand Up or Stand Down: An Open Letter to Mayor Sam Adams

AN OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR SAM ADAMS (read before City Council on December 14, 2011) Mr. Mayor, I voted for you and have supported and believed in you. Recently though, I have questioned your actions in regards to the Occupy movement. You are lucky to be mayor of such a fine city. Portlanders have flair,…

Occupy Portland Outsmarts Police, Creating Blueprint for Other Occupations

by Lester Macgurdy The Portland Occupation stumbled upon a tactical innovation regarding occupying public spaces. This evolution in tactics was spontaneous, and went unreported in the media. On December 3rd, we took a park and were driven out of it by riot police; that much made the news. What the media didn’t report is that…

SOPA Bill to be Voted on in the US House

by Adam Rothstein SOPA is a bill to create a nation-wide Internet Black List. Ostensibly meant to fight piracy, it will allow the government to create procedures for DNS blocking, which basically keeps a web site from showing up on the Internet. Free speech is not only a part of the Bill of Rights, but…

Ten Things I Love about Occupy Portland

By Deborah Rodney THE INCLUSIVENESS. In our mix there are a lot of differences– from the driven middle class professional to the self-medicated person numbing the effects of their homelessness through addiction. There are extreme liberals and a few tea partiers. There are differences in political priorities ranging from the desire to fix the system…

Elsewhere in Occupy for December 11th through December 13th

Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: How Goldman Sachs and Other Companies Exploit Port Truck Drivers — Occupy Protesters Plan to Shut Down West Coast Ports in Protest | Economy | AlterNet – December 12th Shutdown of the Port of Oakland in Photos | Excremental Virtue – Daily Occupations Report Dec. 9,…

War on Terror: A Radical Veterans Story

I joined the United States Marine Corps at the age of seventeen. Like many other disenfranchised American youth, I found the promise of a university education, in addition to full health and dental coverage, appealing enough to make the decision to join. I promptly joined in March of 2oo1 and left for recruit training in…

Liveblog: D12

Welcome to the liveblog for D12, the coordinated Port Shutdown on the West Coast. I’m Adam Rothstein, and I’ll be chairing the liveblog today, along with all of our lovely correspondents and camera-people out there. For the latest, you can follow @occupy_thyself, @occupyoregon, or #D12PDX on Twitter. 8:00 PM – Here’s what’s happening. We are…