Video by B Media Collective
Month: February 2012
by Tracy Mattner Often, the primary criticism leveled towards any dissenting party is that it presents no coherent alternative to the paradigm which it resists. Indeed, the Occupy movement has, since its inception, struggled to face down this jeering challenge. Although many individuals within the Occupy movement have expressed the sentiment that conditions in the…
The Next Evolution
by Michael Schultz The next revolution is evolution, and the next evolution is near. The key to solutions are contributions, but the new currency is unclear. The world’s in transition, needs a Re-vision, Starting in our hearts and in our minds. To outwit the system, we bridge division, Working well outside the systems lines. Expose…
Video: Get Smart About ALEC
Video by B Media Collective & Occupy Portland Video Collective
Occupy Portland Marches Against War
by Adam Rothstein On February 12th, Occupy Portland and allies came together to protest the next war, before it even started. The event was billed as “March and Rally to Stop the War of the 1%”. In recent months the rhetoric of aggression towards Iran by the United States has stepped up, with military exercises…
Three Poems by David S. Pointer
by David S. Pointer Hobo Jungleite (Can’t Get Arrested) The garbage bin ingrate with a rusty space heater under one arm has a certain semi-private roominess to his outdoor obscurity today, after having been chased by a gang of Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tale types around the neighborhood, but now as police move in to beat…
The Devil Came To Occupy: Understanding Positive & Negative Truth
by Gina Ronning I have seen the devil in Occupy, and that devil came in the form of negative truth. There are many truths in this world, but this does not mean that we must sacrifice our desire for unity to the God of extreme relativism. Each truth leads down a path of its own…
No War Against Iran! Anti-War March, February 12
Video by RenegadePDX.
The Portland Occupier will be reporting live from this event tomorrow, Sunday, February 12th, starting at 3 PM.
Blind Justice: Why There’s No Such Thing as A Good Cop
This article is about a currently contentious topic. The editors are posting it along this contrary article, which takes a different perspective. We offer them both, together, as a way of fostering discussion and debate. By Devon Warren The response in Oakland to Occupy Oakland’s move-in day on January 28 came as a surprise for…
Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! “F— The Police” Chant Has Got to Go!
This article is about a currently contentious topic. The editors are posting it along this contrary article, which takes a different perspective. We offer them both, together, as a way of fostering discussion and debate. By St Jason I had a debate going to the OccuPicnic at Chapman, but after throwing out my back, doing…