Category: All

Elsewhere in Occupied Media: 11/03/11

David Cagle, father of Susie Cagle, comments on his daughter’s arrest at Occupy Oakland last night, as she covered the event with a press badge. Aaron Bady, (aka zunguzungu)’s long and thoughtful narrative, with photos, of the Oakland General Strike’s occupation of the Port of Oakland and a building, yesterday. Also check out…

Welcome to Our New Home!

The new home of The Portland Occupier is live! We home the new site will bring more features, such as liveblogging capacity, a better interface, and more as we can develop and add it. Along with this new site, we also have a Twitter account, that can keep you up to date with the latest…

About Last Night

I cried this morning upon hearing the OPB radio story of Jamison Park last night. I still well up thinking about it. I am so proud of the people that stood for the rights of my grandchildren, their generation, and myself last night. How can I ever repay that? I wonder, too, how can we…

Move Your Money Before the Big Banks Lose It

Last month, the Bank of America Corporation received the latest in a series of credit downgrades. Those who had derivatives deals with BAC’s subsidiary, Merrill Lynch, became understandably worried about the health of the company, and began to demand additional collateral from Merrill Lynch as insurance against the possible failure of their deals. Fortunately for…

Art & Greed

Networks of promotion/control slide imperceptibly into networks of surveillance/disinformation. Formerly one only conspired against an established order. Today, conspiring in its favour is a new and flourishing profession. Under spectacular domination people conspire to maintain it, and to guarantee what it along would call its well-being. This conspiracy is a part of its very functioning.…