by Adam Rothstein As a member of the media, as a contributor to the linguistic and philosophical discourse emerging from the Occupations, and as point-of-contact for The Occupier, I’m constantly confronted with one of my main frustrations throughout the two months I’ve been involved in this Occupation: I can’t stand writers who write about the…
Category: Adam Rothstein
Park Work “Re-Occupies” Chapman and Lownsdale Parks
by Jennifer Alexander On Wednesday, December 14, Occupy Portland protestors were allowed to ‘occupy’ Chapman and Lownsdale parks once again. For this occupation, however, protestors came armed with workgloves and rakes, instead of tents and protest signs. When Steve Pixley of the Portland Parks and Recreation Department put out a call for volunteers to help…
The Diversity of the Movement
by Adam Rothstein It’s been said for weeks that once the Occupations are out of the parks, they will diversify, de-centralize, and take as many creative forms as there are people and groups to organize this movement. Today, December 17th, is seeing a re-occupation in New York City, solidarity protests with Bradley Manning in Virginia…