Tag: Solidarity

Pussy Rioters on Bike Swarm Portland in Solidarity

By Elona Trogub Three members of Pussy Riot, the anonymous feminist group that’s half performance art, half punk band, have been found guilty of hooliganism, motivated by religious hatred. Now Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, Maria Alyokhina, 24, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30 will spend two years in a medium security prison for their ‘crime’–a one minute performance…

Getting Ready for the Beat Down

by Vargus Pike I’m getting ready for the beat down I know it’s on the way. I’m getting ready for the beat down Just a matter of time. Uppity freedom talkers dare to talk freedom Saying he has a RIGHT to be an individual. She claims the right to determine her OWN destiny They clearly…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. YOUR WEEKLY ROUNDUP OF OCCUPY MOVEMENT NEWS By Jennifer Sacks This week in Occupy, the Cruz family was rebuffed by PNC Bank, Rio + 20 was mic-checked and #occupied, Egyptians took to the streets to demand an election and…

Show Me What Solidarity Looks Like

By Arlo Watching several hundred protesters bang pots & pans together in solidarity with Quebec on a Monday evening,  marching around the square and clamoring loudly in front of both mainstream media and livestream cameras alike, one might be tempted to conclude that Occupy in Portland continues to be a powerful and persuasive force challenging…

Why Occupy the Pride?

By Sarah Morrigan Since last September, the genius of the Occupy movement was to literally and physically occupy places and institutions and symbolically reclaim the people’s ownership and power over them.  In our encampments, we went one step further by demonstrating a new way of community, free from domination by the One Percent.  There is…

Occupy Wall Street – Taking it to the Streets

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Times. by Michael Richmond Two direct actions in three nights. Both started out from Washington Square Park in Lower Manhattan, and both were ostensibly in solidarity with the huge mobilisation of protesters in Québec against raised tuition fees and the…

A Letter to Mayor Sam Adams and his Portland Police

by The Organizers To Mayor Sam Adams, Portland Police: People of the City of Portland, representing all walks of life, will gather in Pioneer Square at 7:00pm on June 11, 2012 to express solidarité with people in Québec and around the world who are asserting their rights to education without lifelong debt-slavery. This event will…

From Montreal: An Open Letter to the Mainstream Media

You are a little late to the party, and you are still missing the mark a lot of the time, but in the past few days you have published some not-entirely-terrible articles and op-eds about what’s happening in Quebec right now. Some of you have even started mentioning that when people are rounded up and…

From the Chilean Winter to the Maple Spring

by Andrew Gavin Marshall On the night of May 16, thousands of Montréal students and supporters took to the streets for the 23rd consecutive night of protests, this time spurred on by the Government of Québec’s announcement that it would legislate an end to the 14-week student strike which has gripped Quebec for the past three…