Category: All

Effective Community Interaction Can Eliminate Police State

By Ahjamu Umi On July 4th, or the Fourth of the Lie as we call it, a number of concerned activists came together in Peninsula Park to celebrate land liberation and defending our communities.  The main focus of this event was to alert people that a series of high profile direct actions are being planned.…

Job Crisis Denial

By Shamus Cooke Before any problem can be fixed it must first be acknowledged. The jobs crisis stays in the shadows, out of mind, and consequently unaddressed. This is allowed to happen because those in power – Republicans and Democrats – both have political reasons to remain silent. When the jobs crisis is discussed, the…

Restoring Trust: Breaking ICE’s Hold

Story and photos by Pete Shaw This does not look good. It is hot at 11 a.m. as I stand under a tree at the Martin Luther King Junior Worker Center, just south of the Interstate 84 overpass. There are about twenty people, all seemingly of Latino descent, awaiting work, nearly all of them with…

Occupy St. Johns Goes Postal

Rallies to Demand an End to US Postal Service Cuts Story and photos by Pete Shaw Imagine you run a small business, or even a large one. Now imagine a law is passed that requires you to prepay the health care of your employees for the next 75 years. Your company, should sales be up…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. YOUR WEEKLY ROUNDUP OF OCCUPY MOVEMENT NEWS By Jennifer Sacks This week in Occupy, the National Gathering culminated in a gathering at Independence Mall, TPP was exposed as the latest NAFTA/SOPA nightmare, a Romney fundraiser hosted by David Koch was…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This week in Occupy, the Occupy National Gathering is under way in Philadelphia, Los Angeles rejects Wal-mart, hundreds marched on California’s capitol to demand a foreclosure moratorium and two Brazilian activists pay with their lives for speaking at the People’s Summit in Rio. #The Occupy National Gathering is in full swing in Philadelphia until July…

TPP: Free Trade Detritus Swells Pacific Rim

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Another year, another so-called free trade agreement. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is almost 20, while its younger sibling, the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is nearing seven years old. They sure grow up fast, don’t they? And now coming down the pike is the Trans-Pacific…

Money, Power, and Politics

By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer There has been much recent talk about the impact of money on politics, especially in the wake of the Citizens United ruling that ratcheted up the role of corporate money in political campaigns. Organized labor was quick to blame this ruling for its defeat in Wisconsin. Many assume that…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. YOUR WEEKLY ROUNDUP OF OCCUPY MOVEMENT NEWS By Jennifer Sacks This week in Occupy, the Cruz family was rebuffed by PNC Bank, Rio + 20 was mic-checked and #occupied, Egyptians took to the streets to demand an election and…