Tag: actions

Bank Transfer Day

  By Jacob Clary Last Saturday, November 5th, about 300 people marched a circuitous route from Terry Schrunk Plaza to the Northwest Resource Federal Credit Union to open and to support those opening new accounts in celebration of Bank Transfer Day, and in recognition of the absence of interest the larger corporate banks have shown…

Bank Transfer Day: Live

Welcome to our first experiment liveblogging! Im Adam Rothstein, Thr PoC, and Ill be the main voice today, as I follow the other voices voting with their wallet as they pull their money out of big banks and deposit it in local credit unions. Bare with us as we test our technology; and please excuse…

Why to Move Your Money, and Where

Where you bank matters in Portland. You–that’s right, you personally–can create sustainable economic and community well being. This sort of empowerment has so impressed your friends and neighbors here at Occupy Portland that we are going to do something about it. Just last Saturday, October 29, hundreds marched under the Occupy Portland banner to the…

About Last Night

I cried this morning upon hearing the OPB radio story of Jamison Park last night. I still well up thinking about it. I am so proud of the people that stood for the rights of my grandchildren, their generation, and myself last night. How can I ever repay that? I wonder, too, how can we…