Tag: anarchism

Anarchists Care About Brand-Identity

This article was originally published on The State. by Adam Rothstein A panda costume, green lasers, social media manifestos. The places where one finds Anarchism in this day and age are startling. One might expect such over-determined capitalist colonizing in the form of a body spray. Even a chain steakhouse can claim “no rules” as…

Why Occupy?

by John Wood At a recent Portland General Assembly, some of us had concerns about how a proposed action might be perceived by the general public. One person countered with (paraphrased) “If we don’t act on something because we’re afraid of how the public will view it, we’re going against everything we believe in.” If…

Black Bloc: Things Were Smashed, and Rightfully So!

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published on Indymedia. by (A)-Team What makes something worthy…

Black Bloc: Concerning the Violent Peace-Police – A Letter to Chris Hedges

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published on The New Inquiry. by David Graeber I…

Perspectives of an Anarchist

by Cascadian Joe The media loves the word “anarchist”. To them, anarchist means a group of people all wearing black who break things. It makes for great media coverage. Sometimes they’re right, but most of the time they’re wrong. Here is a simple writing that will attempt to explain what the Anarchist believes about the…

Anarchism and a global perspective on Occupy

By K. Kendall I learned about Sacco and Vanzetti when I was in high school, and since then I’ve been trying to figure out what an anarchist is. It’s been more of a sidebar for me than a main story. Political science bored me; I was into art and literature and found poly-sci wonky. But because…

Kick Out the Anarchists: 11/07/11

“Kick Out the Anarchists” is a new semi-regular column, designed to demystify and explain the curiously common political philosophy known as anarchism, rather than perpetuate the myths. Hello, my name is Adam Rothstein, and I’m an anarchist. It still kind of freaks me out to say or type that out loud. Not that I’m ashamed…