[View the story “Hanford: North America’s Fukushima” on Storify]
By Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and K. Kendall On Monday, April 2nd, members of Occupy Portland were once again swarming around the area of Chapman and Lownsdale Squares, bringing their grievances to the courts and City Hall. On this beautiful spring day, folks might have wished to be somewhere else enjoying themselves, but many were…
by Adam Rothstein DHS and Occupy: All Your Privacy Belongs to US The Portland Occupier investigated documents released by the Department of Homeland Security under the Freedom of Information Act, and found a sea of holes. Through these holes, can be seen power, privilege, surveillance, investigation, intimidation, and an agency that literally answers to no…
By Adam Rothstein On the beautiful spring morning of Saturday, March 24th, over three hundred Portlanders gathered in Peninsula Park in North Portland to not only enjoy each others’ company, but to express their outrage and frustration for the death of Trayvon Martin. The unarmed seventeen year-old was shot by another man, who suspected him…
By Adam Rothstein During the celebration of the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, the phrase was repeated again and again: “See you in May.” The phrase refers to the plans for this coming May Day–the historical workers’ holiday and a day of action for many causes around the world–which this year will bring Occupy…
By Greg Margolis and Adam Rothstein A critical part of the strategy of the corporate campaign to maximize profits has been focused on attacking organized workers and eliminating unions. Over the last forty years this systemic attack on workers has successfully eliminated most unions in the private sector. Today, the emphasis is on public workers.…
Wired’s Threat-Level blog reported on Thursday, March 15 on the efforts of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden and Colorado Senator Mark Udall to urge President Obama to release information about Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court (FISA), which they say has over-interpreted the Patriot Act, creating the most expansive surveillance powers for the Federal government yet. The…
By Adam Rothstein Another terminological quandary that Occupy has found itself snared within recently is the issue of Transparency Culture versus Security Culture. Similar to other issues that we are slowly teasing out, explaining, and working through, the impasse with this issue is that viewing the argument in opposing terms has formed a poor understanding…
Welcome to the Portland Occupier Live Blog for the February 29th, Shutdown the Corporations action! Adam Rothstein here, editing the live blog, taking reports from our correspondents. Our partners for today’s media cover include OPDXLive, one of the Livestream groups hosting a dedicated page, and Portland Action Lab, organizers of the call for the day…
by Adam Rothstein Recently, the Portland Occupier published an article entitled “Nonviolence Still Wins the Public,” that included a historical list of non-violent protests, intending to highlight how the peacefulness of protesters, especially in the face of violent persecution, won the day for various social movements. This was a very selective history that borders on…