Category: Essays & Letters

Effective Community Interaction Can Eliminate Police State

By Ahjamu Umi On July 4th, or the Fourth of the Lie as we call it, a number of concerned activists came together in Peninsula Park to celebrate land liberation and defending our communities.  The main focus of this event was to alert people that a series of high profile direct actions are being planned.…

Job Crisis Denial

By Shamus Cooke Before any problem can be fixed it must first be acknowledged. The jobs crisis stays in the shadows, out of mind, and consequently unaddressed. This is allowed to happen because those in power – Republicans and Democrats – both have political reasons to remain silent. When the jobs crisis is discussed, the…

Obamacare Victory Prescription for Left Defeat

by Shamus Cooke The political victory for President Obama in the Supreme Court has created an interesting shift in American politics. More important than the blow against his Republican opponent has been the re-energizing of Obama’s base–a loose coalition of liberals, labor and leftists. Many in these groups were lured into supporting Obamacare because of…

What the Flag Means to Me

by S. Brian Wilson I was probably seven years old before it really sunk in that everybody in my town was not celebrating my birthday on July 4. It was an exciting day with parades, picnics, fireworks and, in my case, special birthday parties and gifts. I lived much of my young life with the…

Should a New Revolution Rely Solely on New Media?

This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Ed Sutton When I first moved to Switzerland five years ago, I didn’t have a clear idea of what I would be doing here or how long I would stay. So I packed relatively light, and for the…

Taking the Long View on Longview

By Eric Gee We had started on a Saturday night, only a handful of us talking back and forth on email, and it went on well into the dark hours of Sunday morning–type email address, copy, paste, send, type email address, copy, paste, send, again and again until my fingers were sore. I was one…

Cascadia: Is There Hope?

By Elona Trogub The Cascadian flag attached to my bicycle looks like a big blue, white, and green jib as I join about one hundred others in the kick-off to Pedalpalooza on June 7. I fly the Cascadia flag from my bicycle because it gives me hope. Instead of telling people that I live in…

The De-Politicizing of the Olympics

This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Times. by the Editors of the Occupied Times illustration by Alex Charnley In Ancient Greece, power was centred around numerous city-states (poleis) acting as distinct political bodies. These poleis were perpetually at war with one another, but also traded together, made…

Fighting for the Soul of the Carpenter’s Union

by Shamus Cooke All working people should pay attention to the egregious assault on union democracy happening in the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of the Carpenters Union, covering all Carpenter’s Locals in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Wyoming, and Montana. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters has a proud history and should take immediate action to overturn a…

Money, Power, and Politics

By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer There has been much recent talk about the impact of money on politics, especially in the wake of the Citizens United ruling that ratcheted up the role of corporate money in political campaigns. Organized labor was quick to blame this ruling for its defeat in Wisconsin. Many assume that…