Category: Sections

Constitutional Rights on Trial

By Kendall Five Occupiers arrested in the February 6 and 29 actions were rearraigned today in Judge Cheryl Albrecht’s courtroom at Multnomah County Courthouse. With the support of Stu Sugarman and the Portland National Lawyers’ Guild, those appearing today filed Motions to Join, which means they’ll appear for hearings with other Occupiers, 75 in all,…

Springtime in Iran

By Lauren Paulson Springtime in Iran 2012 In 1953, President Eisenhower gave his ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech. As the only country having used the atom for war, we set about to export nuclear technology all around the world for peaceful purposes. Oops, this was the program that lead to Pakistan and India getting nuclear weapons.…

A Corporate Budget or a People’s Budget?

By Shamus Cooke How are government budgets created, and in whose interests? In Portland, Oregon, the city recently held the second and last of its public budget forums, where the community could offer feedback to help craft the city’s budget. Over two hundred people attended the Wednesday evening meeting at Cleveland High School, many more…

From Stand Your Ground To ALEC in a Few Easy Steps

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. Lisa Graves and Nick Surgey Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law, which Trayvon Martin’s killer is using to shield himself from arrest – with the full complicity of the Sanford Police Department – became the template for “model” legislation endorsed and…

Democracy: Now or Later?

by Eric Reygers de·moc·ra·cy noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\ plural de·moc·ra·cies Definition of DEMOCRACY a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority The ideology of our country–America, that is–is an integrated system of democracy aimed towards “freedom” but failing by governmental succession from the majority. Unfortunately, the current American governmental idea of democracy is…

Why I Occupy: A Call for Essays

Every person has a story to tell about what is important to them. A story about decisions they have made and the motivating factors for those decisions, whether it be family, friends, economics, ethics, or some other reason. Every person has a story to tell about an event that changed their life. A turning point…

Practicing the Politics of the Impossible

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Boston Occupier. by Doug Enaa Greene The U.S. electoral system is all about what the system deems possible. During each election season we are given the choice between a few politicians who promise change; we vote and then things remain the…

The Trayvon Martin Case – A Call to Action!

by Ahjamu Umi A seventeen year old youth has been gunned down. It’s a tragedy that’s all too familiar to African people around the world. Whether it’s in Sierra Leone, Somalia, Haiti, or Sanford, Florida, African life has no value, regardless of who’s pulling the trigger. This is the reason you won’t see me engaging…

Protests Kick Off Across North America

By Adam Rothstein During the celebration of the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, the phrase was repeated again and again: “See you in May.” The phrase refers to the plans for this coming May Day–the historical workers’ holiday and a day of action for many causes around the world–which this year will bring Occupy…

Blackwater Polemic

by Vargus Pike This was written several years ago after the Blackwater massacre 9/16/2007 in Nisour Square, Baghdad Still seems topical today Blackwater transforms to… Black ice cold fingers of death reaching out across a plaza Freedom transforms too… Dogs of war tear into flesh, indiscriminate blind to politic. For I have met the enemy…