This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Chicago Tribune. By Chris Geovanis The week that Trayvon Martin’s killing blew up as a national story, another Black person died of her skin color on the west side of Chicago. 22-year-old Rekia Boyd was shot in the head Wednesday,…
Tag: violence
Anti-Police Brutality Protesters Wage Constitutional Battle
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By Occupier Staff The legal battle continues for three Occupy Portland activists arrested at a February 6 Occupy Oakland Solidarity and Anti-Police Brutality March. Emmalyn Garrett, Taylor Sharpe and Nefi Bravo are seeking evidence and witnesses to aid them in the fight to uphold their constitutional rights. The trio have joined the mass defense for…
Portlanders Continue the Call for Justice in Trayvon Martin Killing

By Mungen Cakes Continuing the nationwide outrage over the killing of Trayvon Martin, an estimated 200 Portlanders took to the streets from Peninsula Park on Saturday. The Trayvon’s Mothers March for Community Unity met for a rally and march at the rose garden gazebo. The organizers and other speakers made it clear during the rally…
Perception Management
by David Glenn Cox There is no top to this and no bottom. There are no sides to this and no way to contain it. It can only be held in place temporarily, only with makeshift propaganda and truckloads of hubris. This involves us all, every last mother-loving son or daughter of us and it…
The Trayvon Martin Case – A Call to Action!
by Ahjamu Umi A seventeen year old youth has been gunned down. It’s a tragedy that’s all too familiar to African people around the world. Whether it’s in Sierra Leone, Somalia, Haiti, or Sanford, Florida, African life has no value, regardless of who’s pulling the trigger. This is the reason you won’t see me engaging…
Blackwater Polemic
by Vargus Pike This was written several years ago after the Blackwater massacre 9/16/2007 in Nisour Square, Baghdad Still seems topical today Blackwater transforms to… Black ice cold fingers of death reaching out across a plaza Freedom transforms too… Dogs of war tear into flesh, indiscriminate blind to politic. For I have met the enemy…
In New York City Thousands March for Trayvon Martin
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. Editor’s Note: There is a solidarity rally in support of Trayvon Martin in Portland on Saturday, March 24th in Peninsula Park at 9 AM. by Jennifer Sacks Though tensions in Occupied Union Square Park ran high after…
Occupy Portland Members Shot While Sleeping
by Lester Macgurdy In the early morning hours of the 21st of this month, two Occupy Portland participants and former Chapman and Lownsdale encampment residents were shot in an act of random violence while asleep under the Morrison bridge. Both men are reported to be in fair condition. The victims have been identified as Carter…
Witnesses: Injured Man Went Unattended For Half an Hour Because the Police Cancelled the Emergency Call

Left: Justin, right, Charles NB: I removed this article the day after posting it (December 15th) in response to a witness of the events and friend of Justin James Bridges contacting me, concerned that Larry Thompson and John Swilley (whose last name I spelled wrong in the original article) had in fact witnessed another man,…
Today in Occupy: December 8, 2011
Denis Theriault, Portland Mercury’s News Editor, explains the source (and controversy) of 500 Occupy Portland t-shirts handed out on November 13, 2011. Justin James Bridges, Occupy Portland’s ASL interpreter, testifies at a City Council hearing on police accountability. Bridges was injured in the November 13 police actions to evict Occupy Portland demonstrators. More information:…