Category: Sections

TPP Fast Track Legislation at Critical Crossroads

By Pete Shaw Congress is poised to abdicate both its constitutional and ethical responsibilities. On Thursday January 9th, Senate Democrat Max Baucus, Senate Republican Orrin Hatch, and Republican Representative Dave Camp introduced legislation that would grant President Obama “Fast Track” authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement. Although the Constitution grants Congress power…

Undocumented Youths Pushing Boundaries to Remain in US

Story by Pete Shaw Tired of waiting for the federal government to reform immigration law, a growing group of young people without documentation has decided to take matters into its own hands. Undocumented and Unafraid, they are taking the fight to the heart of the US immigration enforcement, challenging the system head on, and even…

Families of Detained People Without Documentation Fight to Reunite For Thanksgiving, Demand a Just and Humane Immigration Policy

Story and photos by Pete Shaw This Thanksgiving Asbel Sanchez and Susana Garcia will likely not have their husbands. Their children–Asbel and Leonidas; and Yoliana and Victor–will probably not have their fathers. Those absences are because those husbands and fathers have been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The situation is not unique. Since…

Mulugeta Seraw Murder Intimately Woven Into Oregon History

Story by Pete Shaw How could this happen here? That was the question on many Portlanders’ lips on November 21, 1988, when three white supremacists were arrested in connection with the death of Mulugeta Seraw. Seraw, a 28-year-old Ethiopian immigrant who came to the US to attend college, was beaten with a baseball bat on…

Government Workers Face Erasure by For-Profit Companies

Story by Pete Shaw Photos by Farrell Richartz The first item on the agenda as City Council went into session on Wednesday October 30th was a remembrance of Nohad Toulan, the founder of Portland State University’s School of Urban Studies and Planning, and his wife, who died on Monday. During the memorial, Councilman Nick Fish…