Tag: Racism

Demanding Justice, In The Courtrooms And In The Streets

By Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and K. Kendall On Monday, April 2nd, members of Occupy Portland were once again swarming around the area of Chapman and Lownsdale Squares, bringing their grievances to the courts and City Hall. On this beautiful spring day, folks might have wished to be somewhere else enjoying themselves, but many were…

Reflections on “The New Jim Crow”

By Kendall These are sound-bites from a discussion among eighteen people who met at Reflections Coffee House and Bookstore on the morning of March 31, for the first of six discussions of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow. “I’m appalled that people are appalled about Trayvon Martin and not about Keaton Otis. Everybody’s real concerned…

Portlanders Continue the Call for Justice in Trayvon Martin Killing

By Mungen Cakes Continuing the nationwide outrage over the killing of Trayvon Martin, an estimated 200 Portlanders took to the streets from Peninsula Park on Saturday. The Trayvon’s Mothers March for Community Unity met for a rally and march at the rose garden gazebo. The organizers and other speakers made it clear during the rally…

Portlanders Rally For Trayvon Martin, And For Themselves

By Adam Rothstein On the beautiful spring morning of Saturday, March 24th, over three hundred Portlanders gathered in Peninsula Park in North Portland to not only enjoy each others’ company, but to express their outrage and frustration for the death of Trayvon Martin. The unarmed seventeen year-old was shot by another man, who suspected him…

The Trayvon Martin Case – A Call to Action!

by Ahjamu Umi A seventeen year old youth has been gunned down. It’s a tragedy that’s all too familiar to African people around the world. Whether it’s in Sierra Leone, Somalia, Haiti, or Sanford, Florida, African life has no value, regardless of who’s pulling the trigger. This is the reason you won’t see me engaging…

In New York City Thousands March for Trayvon Martin

This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. Editor’s Note: There is a solidarity rally in support of Trayvon Martin in Portland on Saturday, March 24th in Peninsula Park at 9 AM. by Jennifer Sacks Though tensions in Occupied Union Square Park ran high after…

UPDATE: A Repairable Racism Within Occupy Portland

Please See Below for Update By Ahjamu Umi A few weeks ago, I wrote two articles on racism within the Occupy movement. Although I, and several people who responded to my articles, supplied several examples of how racism exists within the Occupy movement (simply because racism exists in every aspect of U.S. society and Occupy…

The N-Word: A Question of Identity

By K. Kendall “If you can control a man’s thinking, you don’t have to worry about his actions… and if you can make a man believe that he is justly an outcast, you don’t have to order him to the back door, he will go to the back door on his own.” –Carter G. Woodson.…

Why Prison is Profitable

by Ahjamu Umi I wrote my Master’s Thesis on the politics of imprisonment and comparative economics. The imprisonment portion of the 70 page research centered on the state of California, where I lived at the time, and the 160,000 people who are imprisoned there. My research confirmed the obvious facts. Eight out of ten people…

Racism 101 – The Makeup Class

Editors Note: This piece is a follow-up to another piece written by the same author. Read it, and the comments referenced here, by clicking this link. by Ahjamu Umi Although there were several very well thought-out and comprehensive responses to the Racism 101 article, the majority of replies indicate a clear failing grade for the…